metalworking lubricant

What you can expect from our product line:

  • Coolants, cutting oils, spindle oils, and way lube
  • Drawing and stamping lubricants
  • Anti-wear and extreme pressure lubricants
  • Factory Mutual-approved fire resistant lubricants
  • Greases, compressor oils, and much more

THRIVE® has several hydraulic oils to accommodate a variety of applications. Depending on temperature range, viscosity, cleanliness, and environmental concerns, THRIVE® is the clear winner to stocking your machining center.

Hear What Our Customers Are Saying

It was not my intention to be a coolant expert. It was my intention to find those experts. And we believe we found those experts in U.S. Lubricants based on our team effort to supply what we need.

Our nationwide footprint ensures that we have the products you want, where and when you need them.

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